
Here you will find reviews and experiences from customers about, so you know what to expect as a customer. If you already have experience with this Website, then please share your experience so that other people can see if the company is legit. All reviews are reviewed by our team before approval.
Obviously a fake site with fake profiles of different people. If that’s what you want, go for it, but if want physical contact look elsewhere. I am not in a position to advise as yet to find one. I haven’t spent/lost any money but it appears many have and even thousands for some. I use all the free coins or whatever they need. There are some gorgeous profiles here, so worth a look but also some real dogs. Frightening when the picture fills the screen.
SCAM don’t do it! At first I was excited to see some handsome woman, then I notices there were almost “too” many good looking woman…scam to get you roped into buying more credits…DON’T WASTER YOUR TIME AND MONEY…I CAUGHT MYSELF AFTER I STUPIDLY PAID 100$ OR MORE….