ExtremeChat.com reviews

Here you will find reviews and experiences from customers about ExtremeChat.com, so you know what to expect as a customer. If you already have experience with this Website, then please share your experience so that other people can see if the company is legit. All reviews are reviewed by our team before approval.
all profiles are fake, here you will never have a real date. its just scam
Scam, all women profiles are fake. All chats, some are really inviting ones, are just to make sure you write back and buy more coins. If you’re into sex chat for money it might be right but not to meet anybody. Very disappointing!!! Don’t waiste your money!!!
you are chatting with a computer, it is AI. I am confident in this claim based on the questions I asked and the replies. I was bombarded by 100’s of women, supposedly from my city of 450,000, wanting to chat. Some were beautiful, like Golda, and others were scary. My experience was a complete waste of money.
its all fake, you will never meet someone here. its just a scam